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How-To Automatically Post Games Deals to Discord

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Discord is like my special juju.. If Discord were a real bot I would marry it. Discord is like the magic sauce every creator needs to add to their beloved inventory of social media. Discord is the future of forum based support, its the home base of information, and can be used to bring tons of value to your community. You can even have Discord post to notify members when a game is found FREE somewhere on the deep dark interwebs.

How it works

As many of you know Discord is notorious for allowing developer easy access to their API to create amazing bots that can do all kinds of amazing things. Well on Discord you can also create what is called a Webhook. This allows you to pull certain information from a web address to then be posted into Discord. It’s the super dark magic of nerds. If you ask me these nerds are still noobs with a bloated ego, but nonetheless, webhooks are cool.

How to setup Games Deals

Games Deals is a bot that will post all FREE games posted into the Reddit community GamesDeals. This allows you to keep your community up-to-date on deals that are being found on the deep dark web. It’s a little more challenging to setup than your normal bots, so I will walk you thru that process.

Step 1: Invite and authorize GamesDeals in your server using this -> Link <-
Step 2: You need to create the webhook in the channel you want posts to be made. To do this you need to use the GamesDeals prefix -> gd:. The command to create a webhook is gd:webhook
Step 3: Flex on all your friends and tell them you created a webhook

If you need assistance with the GamesDeals bot simply run the gd:help command and visit some of the support options available for the bot!

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