Let your viewers watch you pop off in style with this Valorant inspired Overlay Pack! The gameplay scene is designed to match in-game elements making the overlay blend in with the game seamlessly.

With detailed widgets and heavy use of brand identity, viewers will think this was made by the Developers themselves!

Included in this pack is everything you need to set your entire stream like every scene you’ll need and multiple webcam border sizes.

So what are you waiting for?!
Grab the Valorant Overlay Pack and get those DUBS in Style!

**Twitch Chat and Alerts all made and set up using the Stream Elements Overlay Editor**
*Overlay REQUIRES a tutorial to set up properly*

OBS/Stream Elements Overlay & Widget Setup Tutorial:

Included files:

16:9 Webcam Border
9:16 (Vertical) Webcam Border
4:3 Webcam Border

Starting Soon Scene Files
Stream Ending Scene Files
Be Right Back Scene Files

Stinger Animation

File Type: jpeg
Setup Tutorial: https://youtu.be/SLL8ChjnO5g


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Valorant Style Overlay Pack by: JagdTeaguer

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