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Why sell with us?

We are a growing trusted streaming brand with an emphasis on creator success. I, TheFranswah, make it my mission to create an easy to use tool for wealth generation in the world of content creation at no expense to the user. That’s why I have made it completely free to sign-up and sell virtual products on my website as a vendor. There is nowhere else on the internet providing a marketplace for virtual products at a 0% commission fee.

As of June 25th, 2022 we are seeing over 1,200 average users per month on site. This is driven from 52% of Organic Search traffic from nearly 50,000 impressions in search results. This equates to 546.56% growth YOY.

How do we profit?

Obviously, if we aren’t charging commission.. the question arises – how do we make a profit? Well, TheFranswah Studio makes a profit using the same marketplace you are using. By trusting in the marketplace itself, creating products for streamer use, and promoting those products in the content we create. This will remain the method in which we create revenue forever.

As we grow, there are plans to create tiered memberships for vendors to offer marketing across google and social media. How will this work? Well, let’s say we create a $5 marketing tier.. we would take a percentage of that $5 to fund the marketing strategy creation, and then pay for Google ads and other means of advertising to get your product in front of customers. I WANT TO BE CLEAR – This WILL NOT reflect on site – meaning our website will be organized and feature products based on quality not tiered revenue.
