Content Creation

5 Tips Every YouTube Beginner Needs!

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You want to create content on YouTube, but you don’t want to learn everything the hard way, right? Why not learn from someone who’s already been there? These 5 quick tips will get you going fast! And speaking of which, you’re eager to get started, so let’s jump right in!

Watch the video for a bit more information on each of these tips. Like the video and subscribe to the channel while you’re there!


You want to create content on YouTube, but you don’t want to learn everything the hard way, right? Why not learn from someone who’s already been there? These 5 quick tips will get you going fast! And speaking of which, you’re eager to get started, so let’s jump right in!


  1. Always export your videos for upload in 4k quality, regardless of the recording quality in which they were filmed
    Why do this? It’s all about the algorithm, baby! Yes, it’s a vicious game but one we all must play if we step into this arena. Having a video that YouTube recognizes as 4k quality does two things for you. First, it places you better in the algorithm used for YouTube information and searching and secondly, it grants your monetized videos ads of a better quality, allowing you to get a larger slice of that creator pie.
  2.  Search Engine Optimization, better known as SEO
    With YouTube, the title of the video (not the tags or even the description of the video) is the most important part where SEO comes into play. Fit as many searchable terms as possible into the title without it becoming a convoluted mess. Consider the title of this video: The ALL-IN-ONE Stream Deck and GoXLR !!!! (Touch Portal & Voicemeeter). There are 4 searchable terms in there. Can you find them?? Yes, very good! They are ‘Stream Deck’, ‘GoXLR’, ‘Touch Portal’ and ‘Voicemeeter’. The reason it’s named as such is to increase the searchability for anyone interested in any combination of those terms.

    Use words such as “how-to”, “setup”, “guide”, or “beginner’s” when titling your own videos. And if you need help, check out either of these extensions below, both of which focus on SEO and analytics in different ways:

    VidIQ Extension:
    TubeBuddy Extension:

  3. Define what value your YouTube channel will offer
    TheFranswah Studio YouTube, for instance, offers value in the form of educational videos related to streaming and audio, as well as a community offering support for all forms of technical issues which may arise. Ask yourself the value you’re attempting to offer with your channel. The value of your content will dictate whether it is objectively good.
  4. Be open to feedback and know your weaknesses as a content creator
    The internet is full of trolls, but it is also full of people who want to offer their own form of help but are, frankly, not good with words or with the “right” way to offer criticism, but they still genuinely mean to help. That is not to say you should entertain every troll or take to heart every negative comment, but if you read something less than flattering about yourself or your video, try to find the objective truth behind that comment. Maybe there isn’t one but even if someone says “your lighting sucks” or “your camera is terrible”, there is useful information there you can take away even if you can’t currently buy new gear to fix the problems.
  5. You take care of you. Your mental health is the number one priority!
    Especially in the beginning, content creation can feel like a losing game. It already feels like the top creators are putting together new and extensive content every single day, and so as a new creator just trying to break into the arena it can quickly become overwhelming. New creators do not need new content daily. Existing creators definitely don’t, but the top ones do have teams who assist them with their creations. You most likely won’t. Take time away from thinking about content creation to avoid burnout. Remember to have fun, because your audience can tell when you’re genuine with your videos. Define a realistic schedule, try to stick to it, but don’t become despondent if you fall behind. Refer to this video for more about the content creator mindset and finding the right balance of creation and mental health.

This was a quick post today, but thanks for reading! If you have more questions, please drop by one of the following places to get some answers!
Guilded Server
Discord Server
Stop on by and say hi! Ask some questions, make some friends. Even Hire A Pro if you just want to get problems solved quicker! Hope to see around the community!


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