Need something to post your Instagram posts automatically to Discord? I will show you how to quickly create this function 🙂 There currently, to my knowledge, are no bots created to post Instagram posts to Discord. But, you can create a webhook that will serve the same purpose!
There are two benefits to this post:
1. You will have something that posts your Instagram posts to Discord.
2. You can flex on all your friends and tell them you created a bot.
How To Setup
Step 1: IFTTT
Go to and setup an account on their site.
Step 2: Setup Discord Channel & Webhook
1. Go to your Discord server
2. Create a New Channel that you want your Instagram posts to be posted to. Or, go to a channel you already have created.
3. Right-click that channel -> Edit Channel
4. Integrations
5. Create Webhook
When creating the Webhook make sure you give it a juicy name like Instagram Bot or MyBot so you can flex on all your friends. This is very important. Also, go ahead and upload an image for the Webhook aswell to make it look nice!
Step 3: Setup IFTTT Webhook
Finally, time to look like a boss ass bitch..
1. On IFTTT website go to the “Create” Button top right
2. Select the “+This” Button
Step 3: Setup IFTTT Webhook
Finally, time to look like a boss ass bitch..
1. On IFTTT website go to the “Create” Button top right
2. Select the “+This” Button
3. In the Search Menu search for Instagram
4. Select the option that best suites you… btw you can create 2 IFTTT’s one for images and one for videos 😉5. Now you can select “+That”
6. We are going to search for “Webhooks”
This is where the magic happens… and no not the baby making kind. Unless webhooks just really get you excited like me… *questions writing that* *decides to keep it*
7. Select “Make a web request”
Step 4: Creating the Post to Discord
1. Copy the Webhook URL we created in Discord and paste it in the URL location on IFTTT
2. SELECT Method “POST”
3. SELECT Content Type “application/json”
4. Create the Body or Message of the Post into Discord
You can use the “Add Ingredient” button to add in premade functions. All the text for the post must be surrounded by “quotations.”
Copy & Paste: {Â “content”:”YOUR STUFF GOES HERE”}
5. Create
6. Turn OFF the notifications to IFTTT doesnt email you when the applet runs.
Viola !! You now can go claim the crown of nerdiest in the group from your family and friends. Go show the world your creation!!! Like foreal share this post with people.. thanks.
Keep in mind it can take up to an hour or so for the webhook to respond. So, bare with it and be patient. I hope you enjoy this function:)